Stay Brand Compliant with Confidence
Get ahead in the race while sailing safely through compliance.
    • Improved Compliance
    • Reduced Risk & Liability
    • Enhanced Brand Reputation
    • Improved Accountability
Brand Compliance

How Does it Work?

Ensure the 4Cs of the Hotel Industry for all items.

1. Compliance

Staff ensures the items and services offered by your Hotel are compliant with brand standards & other regulatory mandates.

2. Condition

Staff checks the condition of all items and informs if they're operable or need, repair, replacement of refinishing.

3. Cleanliness

Staff then examines the cleanliness of an item, area, or service and makes sure that it is fit to be functional.

4. Confirmation

The 3Cs are tracked and the report is audited and re-verified to ensure no risk of policy violation.


What NexTap Brand Compliance can do for You

Document Repository

Document Repository

Provide access to all legal, brand/industry standards, and contract documents with classification and expiy to ensure full compliance.

Internal Compliance Tracking

Internal Compliance Tracking

Track brand policies & procedures, ISO checklists, SOPs etc. Ensure that everything at the property is in prime condition at all times.


Custom Checklists

Provide compliance checklist to monitor staff compliance status. Strictly enforce the brand rules, guidelines, and industry standards.

Real-time Updates

Real-time Updates

Provide alerts and notifications to staff regarding changes to new or upcoming policies, laws and compliance requirements.

Dynamic Prioritization

Employee Training

Train employees through interactive modules or assignments. Track staff progress & training completion to ensure everyone is up to date with the latest compliance requirements.

Risk Assesment

Risk Assesment

Identify areas of non-compliance and develop plans to address them. Creating questionnaires, checklists, or other tools to identify compliance gaps and generate reports.

Fast time
Active Checks

Active Checks

Monitor compliance through tracking quality, safety, service and ethical standards. Use an automated approach to inspection control and eliminate the need for manual work.

Integrated Assesment

Integrated Assesment

Track performance on quality, sanitation and safety KPIs. Improve compliance around brand standards. Get on-the ground feedback from team members on incidents.

Compliance Attestation

Compliance Attestation

Gauge customer feedback on properties, amentities, services and more across multiple locations. ensure integrity and conistency in performance. Use insights as evidence for compliance confirmation.

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